In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of 27 April 2016, relating to the protection of individuals when it comes to processing their personal data and the free circulation of such data and which repealed Directive 95/46/CE, we would advise you that your data will be processed at the liability of FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU, which advises users that it has created a profile on the Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube and Google + social networks with the main aim of publicising its products and services.
Address: Calle Tutor 35, 28008, Madrid, ESPAÑA
Foundations Registry No: 60
[email protected]
The User has a profile on the same Social Network and has decided to join the page created by FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU, demonstrating their interest in the information publicised on the Network. By joining our page, you give us your consent to process such personal data as are published on your profile.
Furthermore, we advise you that it is planned to draw up profiles, for the purpose of finding out which products or services would suit you best, as well as the best way of communicating them to you, depending on the preferences or habits shown, and which are offered by our foundation or bodies associated with it (*).
The User has access at all times to the privacy policies of the Social Network itself, and can also configure their profile to ensure privacy.
FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU has access to and processes the User´s public information, and, in particular, their contact name. These data are only used within the Social Network itself and are not included into any file.
In accordance with the rights granted to you under current data protection legislation you may address the relevant Supervisory Authority to submit any claim you consider to be appropriate, and also exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation on processing, suppression, portability and objection to the processing of your personal data. You may also request withdrawal of the consent given for them to be processed by addressing your request to FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU, address C/ Tutor nº35 - 28008 Madrid or by e-mail [email protected].
With respect to the rights of access, rectification, restriction of processing, suppression, portability and objection to processing which may be exercised you before FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU and in accordance with Chapter III of the GDPR, you should bear the following in mind:
- Right of Access: This is the user’s right to obtain information about their specific personal data which has been, or is being, processed by FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU and the information available about the source of such data and the communications made or planned for them.
- Right of Rectification: This is the right of the affected person to have such data as may be incorrect or incomplete amended. This may only be fulfilled in relation to information which is under the control of FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU (for example, deleting comments published on its web site, or web site images or content containing the user’s personal data).
- Right to restriction of processing: This is the right to limit the purposes of the processing originally planned by the data controller.
- Right of Suppression: This is the right to delete the user’s personal data, with the exceptions provided for in the GDPR or in other applicable regulations establishing their compulsory storage, in time and in an appropriate manner.
- Right of Portability: This is the right to receive such data as the user may have provided from FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU, in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format and transmit them to another controller.
- Right of Objection: This is the user’s right to prevent their personal data being processed or that FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU cease processing them.
In order to exercise any of the rights described above, the following requirements must be met.
- Submission of a letter to the postal address: Secretaría General FUSP-CEU, C/ Tutor nº35 - 28008 Madrid or via e-mail: [email protected]
- The letter sent by the data subject requesting the exercise their right must fulfil the following legal requirements:
- Name and surnames of the party concerned and a copy of their National Identity Document. In the exceptional cases where delegation is allowed, it will also be necessary to send identification of the person representing you by the same means along with the document proving they are your representative. The photocopy of the National Identity Document may be substituted, as long as proof of identity is given by any other legally valid means.
- Petition specifying the request (right being requested or information for which access is wanted). If reference is not made to a specific file, all the information held with your personal data will be provided. If information is requested for a specific file, only the information on that file will be provided. If information is requested relating to a third party, this will never be provided. If a request is made on the telephone, you will be told to make it in writing and advised how to do it and the address it is to be sent to. Information is never given over the telephone.
- Address for the purpose of notifications.
- Date and signature of the applicant
- Documents backing up the request being made.
- The data subject must use a method of sending which gives proof of despatch and delivery of the request.
Use of your profile
FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU will carry out the following:
- Access the profile’s public information
- Publication on the User’s Profile of all information already published on FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU‘s web site.
- Send personal, individual messages over the Social Network channels.
- Updates to the page’s status which will be published on the User’s profile.
The User may always control their connections, delete content which are no longer of interest and restrict who may share their connection. To do so, they must access their privacy settings.
Once the User has joined FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU’s web site, they may publish comments, links, images or photographs on it, or any other kind of multimedia content supported by the Social Network. In all cases, the User must be their owner, have copyright and intellectual property rights over them or have consent from the third parties affected. Any publications on the page, whether text, graphics, photographs or videos, etc, which offend, or may offend, morality, ethics, good taste or decency, and/or which infringe, breach or violate intellectual or industrial property rights, image rights or the Law are expressly forbidden. In these cases, FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU reserves the right to withdraw the content immediately and may request that the User be permanently blocked.
FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU is not liable for the content freely published by the User.
The User should bear in mind that their publications will made known to other Users, for which reason the User is the person ultimately responsible for their privacy.
Images which may be published on the page will not be stored in any file by FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU, but they will remain on the Social Network.
Competitions and promotions
FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU reserves the rights to hold competitions and promotions which the User who has joined the page may take part in. The rules for each one, where the Social Network is used as a platform for it, will be published on it. They will always comply with the Information Society and E-Commerce Services Act and with any other applicable legislation.
The Social Network does not sponsor, warrant or administer any of our promotions in any way, nor is is associated with any of them.
FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU will use the Social Network to publicise its products and services.At any event, if it decides to process your contact data to carry out direct marketing, it will always comply with the legal requirements of the Data Protection Act and the Information Society and E-Commerce Services Act.
Recommending FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SAN PABLO CEU’s page to other Users so that they may also take advantage of the promotions, or get information about its activities, is not considered to be advertising.
Links to the Social Networks’ privacy policies are as follows:
Google +:
*CEU Institutions, dependent facilities and Foundations: Fundación Privada Universidad Abat Oliba CEU, Fundación San Pablo Andalucía, Fundación San Pablo Castilla y León, Fundación San Pablo Sanchinarro, Fundación Abat Oliba, Fundación San Pablo for Study Grants, Colegio Mayor Universitario de San Pablo, Fundación Cultural Ángel Herrera Oria and the Catholic Propagandists Association (Asociación Católica de Propagandistas).