Grants and Financial Aid CEU

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X Call CEINDO-Santander Mobility Scholarships 2024-2025

*Open Period

Application period: november 20 to december 20, 2024

The CEU San Pablo University Foundation, along with the Universities of CEU San Pablo, CEU Cardenal Herrera, and CEU Abat Oliba, are committed to the training and development of its doctoral students. Short stays at recognized foreign centers are an essential component of the program, and, as such, are actively encouraged and supported by CEINDO’s transfer and internship program.

Thanks to the patronage of Banco Santander, and by virtue of the current Collaboration Agreement between this bank and the CEU, the mobility of CEINDO doctoral students is supported through the granting of financial aid for short international internships.

Call CEU International Doctoral School (CEINDO) - Santander Enrollment Scholarschips 2024-2025

*Open Period

Application period: november 15 to 30, 2024

The San Pablo CEU University Foundation and the three CEU Universities (CEU San Pablo University, CEU Cardenal Herrera University and CEU Abat Oliba University), promote research activity as an essential pillar of their educational model and are committed to academic excellence, all through the CEU International Doctoral School.

Thanks to the sponsorship of Santander, and by virtue of the current Collaboration Agreement between this entity and CEU, the aim is to promote doctoral studies, rewarding academic performance, in accordance with the following rules.

Enrolment scholarschips are offered for each of CEINDO’s official doctoral programmes by CEINDO – Santander SCHOLARSHIPS to reward academic performance. The doctoral programmes are:

  • PhD in Health Sciences and Technology
  • PhD in Composition, History and Technique in Architecture and Urbanism.
  • PhD in Social Communication.
  • PhD in Law and Economics.
  • PhD in Humanities for the Contemporary World.
  • PhD in Engineering and Technological Development in Industrial, Biomedical and Computational Applications.
  • PhD in Translational Medicine.

Carolina Foundation Grants

*Deadline Closed

The Carolina Foundation is an institution that promotes cultural relations and cooperation in the educational and scientific fields. Its presence is in Spain and the rest of the world, especially the Ibero-American Community of Nations countries.

The PhD grants are aimed at promoting the achievement of doctorates among the teaching staff in Latin American universities associated with the Carolina Foundation.

Universities or educational institutions in Latin America associated with the Foundation are eligible to apply to the Carolina Foundation for a grant that will lead to the academic degree of doctor. These grants are based on a system of co-financing, set out in bilateral educational cooperation agreements, inspired primarily by the principle of equal opportunities. A doctoral programme can be taken at Spanish universities that have signed an agreement with the Carolina Foundation.

On January 11, 2024, the 24th call for scholarships from the Carolina Foundation will open. From then on, the academic offer will be available on its website and applications can be made for postgraduate scholarships, doctorates, research stays and institutional programs.

All the detailed information is available on the Carolina Foundation website:

Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Digital Humanities

*Deadline Closed

The International Society for Hispanic Digital Humanities (HDH) and the BBVA Foundation jointly announce the second edition of the International Society for Hispanic Digital Humanities. The aim is to recognise contributions that, based on innovation, creativity, originality, and scientific rigour in the field of Digital Humanities, use information technologies or other advanced techniques, tools, computational methodologies, and automation processes, or are related to the digital ecosystem, and have a high capacity to advance the knowledge produced in the humanities disciplines.

The award is geared toward researchers in Digital Humanities whose research work has been defended in Spanish and at a Spanish university, regardless of their nationality and place of residence.

In this call, a single prize of 3,000 euros (gross) will be awarded to the best doctoral thesis defended in 2021.

All necessary documentation relating to this award will be sent in digital format to the e-mail address: [email protected] from November 7th, 2022 to 2pm (Spanish peninsular time) on January 31st, 2023.

Terms, conditions e application forms are available on the BBVA Foundation’s website.

Ramón Areces Foundation Grants

*Deadline Closed


The Ramón Areces Foundation aims to promote scientific and technical research in Spain, as well as education and culture. This pioneering institution in our country which, since its inception, has maintained its firm support for scientific research as a driving force for progress and modernity.