Documentary Commitment (.pdf)

Documentary Commitment (.doc)

Consult Phases and dates of the Access and Admission Process 



If the researcher in training wishes to make a change of dedication, he or she must request the change from the Academic Committee with the approval of his or her thesis director through the application available in this space. Changes in dedication must be requested and applied before renewing registration. Changes in dedication requested during the course will be applied in the following academic year.

Changes in dedication will be applied following the provisions of the regulations governing doctoral programs of the CEU International Doctoral School (CEINDO).

Request for change of dedication



Generic Request (.doc)

Generic Request (.pdf)


Important information:

  • In the case of PDF files: for applications to work correctly they must be opened with Adobe Acrobat. It is therefore advisable to save the PDF form on your PC before filling it in.
  • In the case of WORD files: fill in the form digitally on your computer (applications filled in manually will not be processed). Sign digitally or manually.
  • Rename the files before sending them including the name and surname of the applicant and subject of the application (example: SURNAME_FIRSTNAME_LEAVEOFABSENCEREQUEST_2023)