Dates and Deadlines


Changes in dedication:
Apply to: the Academic Committee of the doctoral programme (GENERIC APPLICATION).
Deadline: from 04/09/2023 to 25/09/23
Important: Requests for a change in dedication that arrive after enrolment, during the academic year, will be applied to the following academic year following the established deadlines (except in justified cases).

Research plan and activity document:
Deadline: before the pre-doctoral days (ordinary call) following the specific guidelines of the Academic Committee

Important information:

  • In the case of PDF files: for applications to work correctly they must be opened with Adobe Acrobat. It is therefore advisable to save the PDF form on your PC before filling it in.
  • In the case of WORD files: fill it in digitally on your computer (applications filled in manually will not be processed). Sign digitally or manually.
  • Rename the files before sending them including the applicant's name and surname and the subject of the application (example: SURNAME_NAME_REQUEST_TOPIC).