Itinerary of Access, Admission and Enrollment

Start Admission



1. In general, to access an official doctoral program it will be necessary to be in possession of the official Spanish Bachelor’s degrees, or equivalent, and University Master’s degrees, or equivalent, provided that at least 300 ECTS credits have been passed in.

2. Likewise, those who are in any of the following cases will be able to access:

a) Be in possession of official Spanish university degrees or equivalent Spanish degrees provided that at least 300 ECTS credits have been obtained in all of these courses and accredit level 3 of the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education.
b) Be in possession of a degree obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), without the need for homologation, that accredits a level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework provided that said degree entitles access to doctoral studies in the country of issue. This admission will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party or its recognition for purposes other than access to doctoral education.
c) Be in possession of a degree obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems outside the EHEA, without the need for its approval, after verification by the university that it accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the official Spanish university Master's degree and that it authorizes in the country of issue of the degree for access to doctoral studies. This admission will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party or its recognition for purposes other than access to doctoral education.
d) Be in possession of another Doctorate degree.
e) University graduates who, after obtaining a place in training in the corresponding test for access to specialized health training places, have passed with a positive evaluation at least two years of training in a program to obtain the official title of any of the specialties in Health Sciences.



Once you have verified that you meet the access requirements, you must complete the Admission Form, which must be accompanied by all the required documentation.

For all applicant students:

  • Up-to-date and legible photocopy of the DNI (in the case of Spanish citizens) or the passport or NIE (in the case of foreign citizens).
  • Documentation that justifies the request for the Part-Time study modality.
  • Academic certification of the studies carried out.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • If you have an official foreign language level certificate, attach it to the documentation.

In case of foreign title:

  • In case of an approved foreign title (within the EES): certified or collated photocopy of the homologation credential issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.
  • Certified or collated photocopy of the foreign Higher Degree and the Master’s degree, or proof of having requested them, as well as the academic certification of the studies carried out in which they appear, among other extremes, the official duration, in academic years (both documents duly legalized and translated, where appropriate).
  • Certified or collated photocopy of the Certificate issued by the University that issued the Degree stating that said degree allows access to Doctorate studies in the issuing country.

Merit assessment:

Once the Doctoral School has verified that the application meets the access requirements, the Academic Committee of each doctoral program is responsible for deciding whether the applicant fits the recommended access profile and meets the admission profiles. In general, to be admitted, the following criteria will be taken into account:

  • Academic record.
  • Good knowledge of foreign languages, especially English.
  • Other merits: Scientific production of the candidate (authorship of scientific-technical publications or documents, participation in congresses), Erasmus, SICUE-Seneca or similar stays, specialization courses received outside official university teachings, and previous professional experience related to the subject of the doctoral program.

Up to two letters of recommendation written by university professors, researchers and, exceptionally, professionals who have had a relationship with the candidate and have participated in their academic or professional training may also be taken into account.

It is recommended to add to the documentation a letter of motivation detailing the personal and professional justification for applying for admission to the program, the theme and line of research chosen, as well as the name of the possible Thesis Director who could direct the research work.

If deemed necessary, the Academic Committee or professors of the doctoral program to whom they delegate may call the applicant for personal interviews to deepen the content of this document.

Admission criteria and procedures for part-time students will be the same as those contemplated for full-time students.

Program Specific Criteria



After receiving the letter confirming the ADMISSION by the Academic Committee of the corresponding Doctoral Program, you can proceed to formalize the enrollment, entering the IntraCEU (, within the period indicated in the Academic Calendar.

  • Payment of fees established:
    • Account number where the collection of the established fees will be made, or failing that, proof that proves the exemption of the same(Consult exemptions).
    • Payment can be made in two ways:

SINGLE PAYMENT: A bonus of 2% will be applied to the established price, and will be made in the month of December.

SPLIT PAYMENT: It will be carried out in 7 monthly installments from December to June

This document will be provided to you in person at the headquarters of the CEINDO Secretariat, or it may be filled out at the following link, and delivered signed with the rest of the documents.


  • Your registration will not be valid until the corresponding CEINDO Secretary receives all the completed documentation.
  • The documentation that is attached for the formalization of the registration will form part of the file, so it will not be returned to the interested party.

Enrollment will be valid exclusively for the Academic Year, and must be renewed annually, as Academic Tutelage, until obtaining the Doctor’s degree within the established deadlines.

Dates and Deadlines



  • Admission period for new students: from 20/06/24 to 20/10/24
  • Registration period for new students: from 05/11/24 to 30/11/24

Registration Renewal: from 04/10/24 to 30/11/24


– Enrolment renewal: from 01/12/24 to 10/01/25


Students in the 2nd and subsequent years must enrol themselves via the University intranet following the instructions they have received by email from the CEINDO SECRETARIAT [email protected]. The renewal of annual enrolment is compulsory and failure to do so within the deadlines indicated will result in the automatic closure of the student’s file.

Important information:

– In the case of PDF files: for applications to work correctly they must be opened with Adobe Acrobat. It is therefore advisable to save the PDF form on your PC before filling it in.

– In the case of WORD files: fill in the form digitally on your computer (applications filled in manually will not be processed). Sign digitally or manually.

– Rename the files before sending them including the name and surname of the applicant and subject of the application (example: SURNAME_FIRSTNAME_LEAVEOFABSENCEREQUEST_year).


PhD Programs in experimental and technical sciences

Full-time enrollment


Part-time enrollment


PhD Programs in Social Sciences

Full-time enrollment


Part-time enrollment



MINECO FPI Grant Recipients
MECD FPU Grant Recipients
Internal IPF Grant Recipients


100% of the cost for the full duration (3 years enrollment + possibility of 1 year extension)

Continuance Regulation

Duration of official doctoral studies

Doctoral students enrolled in a doctoral program in the 2022-23 academic year or earlier (RD 99/2011 regulating official doctoral education):






3 complete courses evaluated

3 complete courses evaluated

1 year + 1 year


5 complete courses evaluated

5 complete courses evaluated

2 years+ 1 year

*The duration of the Doctorate could be modified exceptionally, upon a reasoned request from the Doctoral Student to the Academic Commission of the Program, which, only if appropriate, will issue a reasoned report that will be submitted for the consideration of the CEINDO Steering Committee.

In accordance with Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, which regulates official doctoral studies, the duration of Doctorate studies will be a maximum of three years full-time, counting from the date of enrollment of the doctoral student in the program until the date of deposit of the doctoral thesis.

Doctorate studies may be completed part-time for duly justified reasons. The partial nature of these studies must be authorized by the Academic Committee responsible for the Program, upon request and justification by the doctoral student. In this case, doctoral studies may have a maximum duration of five years from the date of enrollment in the Program until the date of deposit of the doctoral thesis.

Before the end of the deadlines mentioned in the previous sections, if the application for deposit of the thesis has not been submitted, the Academic Committee responsible for the program, upon request from the doctoral student, may authorize the extension of this deadline by one more year, extendable for one more year, under the conditions established in the corresponding doctoral program (for both full-time and part-time doctoral students).


Doctoral students enrolled in a doctoral program starting in the 2023-24 academic year in accordance with the changes brought about by RD576/2023 in RD 99/2011, which regulates official doctoral teachings:






3 complete courses evaluated

4 complete courses evaluated

1 year


5 complete courses evaluated

7 complete courses evaluated

 1 year

*The duration of the Doctorate could be modified exceptionally, upon a reasoned request from the Doctoral Student to the Academic Commission of the Program, which, only if appropriate, will issue a reasoned report that will be submitted for the consideration of the CEINDO Steering Committee.

In accordance with Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, which regulates official doctoral studies, the duration of Doctorate studies will be a maximum of four years full-time, counting from the date of enrollment of the doctoral student in the program until the date of deposit of the doctoral thesis.

Doctorate studies may be completed part-time for duly justified reasons. The partial nature of these studies must be authorized by the Academic Committee responsible for the Program, upon request and justification by the doctoral student. In this case, doctoral studies may have a maximum duration of seven years from the date of enrollment in the Program until the date of deposit of the doctoral thesis.

Before the end of the deadlines mentioned in the previous sections, if the application for deposit of the thesis has not been submitted, the Academic Committee responsible for the program, upon request from the doctoral student, may authorize the extension of this deadline by one more year, under the conditions established in the corresponding doctoral program (for both full-time and part-time doctoral students).

Academic Enrollment

In accordance with Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, which regulates official doctoral studies, the duration of Doctorate studies will be a maximum of four years full-time, counting from the date of enrollment of the doctoral student in the program until the date of deposit of the doctoral thesis.

Doctorate studies may be completed part-time for duly justified reasons. The partial nature of these studies must be authorized by the Academic Committee responsible for the Program, upon request and justification by the doctoral student. In this case, doctoral studies may have a maximum duration of seven years from the date of enrollment in the Program until the date of deposit of the doctoral thesis.

Before the end of the deadlines mentioned in the previous sections, if the application for deposit of the thesis has not been submitted, the Academic Committee responsible for the program, upon request from the doctoral student, may authorize the extension of this deadline by one more year, under the conditions established in the corresponding doctoral program (both for full-time and part-time doctoral students).

The change from one to another modality of carrying out the studies can only be carried out at the time of the renewal of academic supervision and always authorized by the Academic Commission of the Program, after justification by the doctoral student of the reasons for it, following the established in the corresponding regulations and procedures of CEINDO.

The calculation of the duration of the studies will be carried out taking into account the years that the doctoral student has spent in each of the modalities and applying the duration established by RD 99/2011 for them.

The doctoral student may request periods of temporary leave from the program for up to a total of two years. Said request must be directed and justified before the Academic Commission responsible for the program, following the provisions of the corresponding CEINDO regulations and procedures, which will rule on the appropriateness of accessing what is requested by the doctoral student, informing of the resolution. to the doctoral student and to the Academic Secretary.

Continuity in a doctoral program

Annually, the academic committee of the program will evaluate the progress of the doctoral student in terms of the research plan and the activities document along with the reports that the Director and the tutor must issue for this purpose. In the event that the Academic Committee detects important deficiencies, the doctoral student must be re-evaluated within a maximum period of six months. In the event that the deficiencies continue to occur, the Academic Committee must issue a reasoned report, after hearing the interested party, and the doctoral student will permanently withdraw from the program. (Article 11.7 of Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, which regulates official doctoral studies)

Modality change

The change from one to another modality of carrying out the studies can only be carried out at the time of the renewal of academic supervision and always authorized by the Academic Commission of the Program, after justification by the doctoral student of the reasons for it, following the established in the corresponding regulations and procedures of CEINDO.

The calculation of the duration of the studies will be carried out taking into account the years that the doctoral student has spent in each of the modalities and applying the duration established by RD 99/2011 for them.

Temporary withdrawal from the Doctoral Program

The doctoral student may request periods of temporary leave from the program for up to a total of two years. Said request must be directed and justified before the Academic Commission responsible for the program, following the provisions of the corresponding CEINDO regulations and procedures, which will rule on the appropriateness of accessing what is requested by the doctoral student, informing of the resolution. to the doctoral student and to the Academic Secretary.

For the purposes of calculating the previous period, sick leave, maternity or paternity leave or any other cause provided for by current regulations will not be taken into account.

All withdrawals must be documented at the CEINDO Secretariat.

Permanent withdrawal from the doctoral program

The definitive withdrawal of the researcher in training from the Doctoral Program may occur due to one of the following situations:

- The researcher in training does not formalize the renewal of his doctoral registration for an academic year before November 30 of each year. Applications submitted after that date will only be taken into account if they arise from unforeseen situations, and as long as they are documented.

- The researcher in training does not proceed with the payment of academic supervision within the established deadlines, without justified cause.

- The researcher in training does not attend the predoctoral sessions in any call (ordinary/extraordinary)

- The researcher in training obtains in the extraordinary call “Negative evaluation” by the Academic Commission in the evaluation of the follow-up of the doctoral thesis (overall grade of the course). This evaluation consists of:

Review of the activities document.
director's report
Research plan

- The researcher in training requests cancellation of registration or informs that he or she has permanently withdrawn from the program.

- The researcher in training has exhausted the maximum deadline to be able to deposit.

Duration of studies

Full-Time Students

Doctoral students enrolled in a doctoral program in the 2022-23 academic year or earlier (RD 99/2011 regulating official doctoral education):






3 complete courses evaluated

3 complete courses evaluated

1 year + 1 year

*The duration of the Doctorate could be modified exceptionally, upon a reasoned request from the Doctoral Student to the Academic Commission of the Program, which, only if appropriate, will issue a reasoned report that will be submitted for the consideration of the CEINDO Steering Committee.


Doctoral students enrolled in a doctoral program starting in the 2023-24 academic year in accordance with the changes brought about by RD576/2023 in RD 99/2011, which regulates official doctoral teachings:






3 complete courses evaluated

4 complete courses evaluated

1 year

*The duration of the Doctorate could be modified exceptionally, upon a reasoned request from the Doctoral Student to the Academic Commission of the Program, which, only if appropriate, will issue a reasoned report that will be submitted for the consideration of the CEINDO Steering Committee.


Part-Time Students

Doctoral students enrolled in a doctoral program in the 2022-23 academic year or earlier (RD 99/2011 regulating official doctoral education):






5 complete courses evaluated

5 complete courses evaluated

2 years+ 1 year

*The duration of the Doctorate could be modified exceptionally, upon a reasoned request from the Doctoral Student to the Academic Commission of the Program, which, only if appropriate, will issue a reasoned report that will be submitted for the consideration of the CEINDO Steering Committee.


Doctoral students enrolled in a doctoral program starting in the 2023-24 academic year in accordance with the changes brought about by RD576/2023 in RD 99/2011, which regulates official doctoral teachings:






5 complete courses evaluated

7 complete courses evaluated

 1 year

*The duration of the Doctorate could be modified exceptionally, upon a reasoned request from the Doctoral Student to the Academic Commission of the Program, which, only if appropriate, will issue a reasoned report that will be submitted for the consideration of the CEINDO Steering Committee.