Dates and Deadlines


Thesis Deposit:
Apply to: the CEINDO secretariat at the relevant headquarters (ANNEXES 1, 2 and 3 ANNEXE 4, if applicable)
Contact us at
Deadline: 30th of November, 2023

Important information:

  • In the case of PDF files: for applications to work correctly they must be opened with Adobe Acrobat. It is therefore advisable to save the PDF form on your PC before filling it in.
  • In the case of WORD files: fill it in digitally on your computer (applications filled in manually will not be processed). Sign digitally or manually.
  • Rename the files before sending them including the applicant's name and surname and the subject of the application (example: SURNAME_NAME_ANNEXE1).

CEU Institutional Repository


 At the beginning of the deposit, the Researcher-in-training must digitally submit the following documents, duly completed, which will be provided by the CEINDO Secretariat:

  • the Intellectual Property Rights Assignment Contract between the author and the institution
  • the Institutional Repository Form provided by the CEINDO Secretariat

Postponement period


 If, on an exceptional basis, the author considers it necessary to establish a pause on the thesis, the student may request it from the Academic Committee by sending the completed Thesis Postponement Request Form. This delay may have a duration between 6 and 36 months.

Once the request for postponement has been approved by the Academic Committee, the institutional repository agreement will state the approved pause and the procedure will be the same as described above.

However, if a request for consultation of a postponed doctoral thesis is received, the petitioner will be able to access it with the author's prior authorisation. To do so, the applicant must send the author, through the Library Service, a signed letter justifying the reasons, undertaking not to make the data contained therein public and, if the student does so in future research publications, to include a bibliographic citation of the thesis.




TESEO is a national doctoral thesis management system that allows the consultation of completed theses, as well as their publication in electronic format.

Once the thesis has been defended, the researcher-in-training completes the file with the details of the doctoral thesis in the TESEO database. To do this, they will have to register as a doctoral student through the web address provided by the Ministry.

The researcher-in-training will be notified by the CEINDO Secretariat when to proceed.

Once the file has been closed by the trainee researcher, the CEINDO Secretariat enters the reading date, the thesis grade and approves it. Finally, the thesis file will be uploaded.