On the 17th of January, 2023, a working day was held at the Centro de Estudios Universitarios Cardenal Spínola CEU (Seville), with the goal of promoting the creation of the research line in Education within the Doctoral Programme in Humanities for the Contemporary World at the CEU-International Doctoral School (CEINDO). It was a very successful day with outstanding organisation, which brought together representatives from all the CEU campuses related to this field of study: Universidad CEU-San Pablo (Madrid), Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera (Valencia), Universitat Abat Oliba CEU (Barcelona), Escuela Universitaria CEU de Magisterio (Vigo) and Centro de Estudios Universitarios Cardenal Spínola CEU (Seville).
The objective of this academic meeting was to promote interaction among the different campuses and researchers in the field of Education, to encourage the creation of joint projects that will, in turn, allow the organisation of the line of research within the Doctoral Programme. As a result, a representative from each of the sites was able to share with the rest of the participants the lines of research they are working on, the human and material resources they have, as well as their scientific productivity and the prospects of their field of work.
It should be noted that in order to support the creation of groups working in this research line, a call for applications in CEU competitive projects is planned, which will undoubtedly enable the study of education to be strengthened and to progress, allowing the consolidation of research groups in this area of knowledge.